Avoid Confusing Your Identity
You should stay on One Thing for a Long Time! It tells people who you are.
Try and be consistent with your identity. You confuse your progress with varying identities. It’s hard to compound what’s not alike.
Your personality can be harder as it takes time to truly get a good hang of who you are. But identity with respect to how people see you and who they perceive you to be , has to be consistent.
When you’re known for one thing , it’s easier to refer you for over a thousand opportunities surrounding that thing. Do many things , but don’t put them all out there as who you are or how you identify. Be intelligent when it comes to your identity , people easily get confused.
Be smart with your choice of representation and presentation of yourself. It’s fine to tweak , but don’t fall too far from the tree. Stay consistent and excellent with whatsoever you’re a settling for. A good grip on one is a greater grip on many. Present your growing and capable self to people and let all other things you do be an offshoot of yourself.