Frequently Asked Questions on Travella

Let’s help you out!

Ogunranti Adebayo Moses
2 min readNov 15, 2021
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How do I send a package on Travella?

  • List your package on Travella at your convenience. Travelers that are interested will pick such packages up by showing interest in the packages.

Why does Travella need my BVN ?

  • Inorder for us to ascertain unique identities on our platform, we utilize each user’s BVN details to verify such things as names and contact details. Travella however , does not keep details such BVN details. Also, Travella does not make request for user’s BVN details outside the platform.

How do I get paid on Travella?

  • You get paid upon fulfillment of packages . Once the package sender confirms receipt of package , Travella will credit your account or wallet.

How do I deal with contraband ?

  • Do ensure to check all packages and be confident of its content before accepting them. Package privacy is not exclusive to sender.

Is there insurance for goods on Travella?

  • Travella offers insurance for every package deals completed on the platform. Terms and conditions however apply. Do check our T&Cs to be well aware.

How do I bargain price ?

  • Bargain prices to your convenience. Pay what is convenient and agreeable for both the traveler and package sender.

What is the best practise to get more packages on Travella?

  • We encourage travelers to bargain packages days before their travel time. That way you will get more packages and to your convenience.

How much do we pay travelers?

  • Prices are charged by travelers but Travella charges a 20% service fee on every accepted offer - this helps Travella run smoothly and provide consistent customer service

How do we pay travelers?

  • Agreed bargains are made on Travella using our payment gateway- this helps us monitor travelers and payment is made to travelers upon package delivery

Can we pay cash?

  • Yes, cash payments are allowed for travelers , we charge our service fee from Travelers wallet

How secure are the packages sent?

  • Every traveler is pre-registered on Travella and we have confirmed their profile and performed a specific security check

How available are customer service?

  • Customer service is available 24/7 . And customers are therefore allowed to make enquiries anytime



Ogunranti Adebayo Moses

I’m Moses. And I admire people and communities. Aside from the everyday startup development, writing is how I help more people.