Raise your payment cap…

Maybe it's the simplest and the singular rule of thumb everyone should follow, it simply gets the result.

Ogunranti Adebayo Moses
2 min readSep 8, 2021
photo credit to kristin wilson

Whatsoever thy hand finds to do, do it with thy might; because there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, where you depart, according to Ecclesiastes 9:10.
And that passage is a real game-changer.

There are a lot of folks out there that produce lousy work. People who perform good work, on the other hand, are the ones who get promoted. That’s just because they’re dedicated to doing a good job.

When this notion is applied to executive circumstances, the productivity cap is literally raised. And that is exactly what everyone wants to pay for.

When it comes to the texts, try not to be biased. You will literally see the beauty of doing things properly if you read it and accept that you will accomplish whatever your hand finds to do with your power.

I’ve used it numerous times and it’s now become a mantra for how I approach my everyday tasks.

This text will assist you in making the decision to do things well and provide the finest possible results.

The wonderful thing is that if you accomplish all of the things you need to do effectively, someone will notice and invite you to come and do something greater, which is the promotion in the most basic sense. I’ve seen it work numerous times.

You must go out there and perform an excellent job. And you’ll be rewarded handsomely.

When you can assign work to yourself and perform it very well, no one has the right to hire you on the cheap.



Ogunranti Adebayo Moses

I’m Moses. And I admire people and communities. Aside from the everyday startup development, writing is how I help more people.