Rebuild when necessary
We are the best product we will ever develop, in the most fundamental sense. And what we become as a result of our service to others is the actual prize.
We are the best product we will ever develop, in the most fundamental sense. And what we become as a result of our service to others is the actual prize.
Early at the beginning of the year, I had to rebuild my 7 years LinkedIn portfolio.
Having woke up one morning only to see that LinkedIn had permanently restricted and there was no room for apologies if at all and in any way I had through oversight broken their terms of service.
It was truly painful, the carefully built 7 years portfolio, articles, posts, engagements, endorsements, and recommendations all went without reason and without a second chance.
But as we say downtown, IT IS WHAT IT IS!
Nevertheless, being the person I have become, we don’t give up in the face of downturns, they make us better, and in the face of smooth moments, we don’t get excited, it's a challenge for more. I took it up a challenge to rebuild my account and here we are, in my brother's voice, late Chadwick Boseman, the King of Wakanda, “ AS YOU CAN, I AM NOT DEAD” ( I gotta tell that to LinkedIn)
Do well to follow this account. I am happily building at