Steal ideas!

Ogunranti Adebayo Moses
2 min readSep 5, 2021


Truth be told , its not new.

photo credit to glen carrie

If you know someone who has a great concept but isn’t going to follow through with it, steal their ideas and get it done!

Every single person on the earth has an idea. But it is the execution of ideas that makes them come to life!

Without execution, ideas are as useless as not having them at all.
Some people have discovered how putting their thoughts into action has resulted in significant wealth and reward. Others are just starting out on their journey. And some people seem to enjoy looking for inspiration in graveyards!
In any case, one thing should be evident to you: we have a plethora of ideas on Earth, yet a big percentage of them end up in the graveyard, and why is that? Nobody was brave enough to figure them out.

When Mr NobodyLight, an African genius, died in the early 1800s, he left behind the notion of a long-term energy-producing system. We would have a sustainable power infrastructure in Africa now if his sustainable energy plan had been implemented.

Imagine you were born in the year 1800, and you met Mr NobodyLight and learned about his wonderful ideas. Would you have done something illegal or right if you stole those ideas that he failed to implement just before he died?

I’m sure you said, “Right!”

Imagine the endless number of ideas that are constantly wandering about you, waiting to be executed or retired to the dead.

I assume you will not be incorrect if you choose one, regardless of who owns it and work on it for the sake of humanity.

‘The ideal time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best time is now!’ according to a Chinese saying.

If you don’t work on those ideas, you might as well assassinate them!



Ogunranti Adebayo Moses

I’m Moses. And I admire people and communities. Aside from the everyday startup development, writing is how I help more people.