The Future

Well Your Future

Ogunranti Adebayo Moses
2 min read6 days ago

If your idea of the future is based solely on material need or lack, you may be living in self-deception — because people are already living in that “future” today.

Saying, “In my future, I’ll have this or that” isn’t a worthwhile ambition if that reality is only distant because you can’t afford it right now. Would it still feel like “the future” if you could afford it today? A true future is not defined by a lack or surplus of money but by things that unfold only with time, regardless of financial status.

A future cannot be purely material-based. My point? Stop settling for mediocrity under the excuse that you’re starting small and will “get better in the future.” That mindset is a false way to live.

A simple rule of thumb: your future should be built around things that only time can bestow.

Now, there’s an important question: How do you navigate today’s lack to afford what you need? The answer is simple: find more than one way to achieve your goals. There is always more than one way to acquire what you need — explore them.

Some things, like trust, deep expertise, or significant wealth, are only attained through time and consistent effort. These are the things that should define your future — not just material acquisitions.

For example:

  • Saying, “In the future, I will build a global company” is a worthy ambition, because no matter how driven you are, only time can create a company with global reach.
  • Saying, “One day, I’ll take my 10 kids to Senegal to experience its beauty” isn’t a true future goal — if you had the money, you could do it today. But having 10 kids and raising them well? That takes at least two decades. That is a future thing.

Your future shouldn’t be just about acquiring material things. But if it must be, ensure it’s something that requires time, not just money.

So don’t live today mediocre, thinking the world will wait for you to “arrive” at your future. Instead, live today as someone actively working towards an undeniably grand future.

In short, do even the little things in the most excellent way.



Ogunranti Adebayo Moses
Ogunranti Adebayo Moses

Written by Ogunranti Adebayo Moses

I’m Moses. And I admire people and communities. Aside from the everyday startup development, writing is how I help more people.

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