The Problem Is You.

You Won’t Think Hard Enough

Ogunranti Adebayo Moses
1 min readSep 3, 2024
Photo Credit to Jackie Chan

You must think deeply if you want to find a solution. But remember, there’s always a solution — you just haven’t thought far enough yet.

When you persist in the right direction and refuse to give up, you will inevitably find what you’re looking for. Often, we fail to find solutions because of the barriers and conditions we set based on unconscious assumptions — such as believing it can’t be done, or that others won’t agree. The key is to explore every possibility, from the lowest to the deepest and the highest, to uncover the best and most viable solutions to your problem.

Also, remember that everything doesn’t get exhausted all at once. There’s always a solution on the horizon if you dive deep into your thought process. Don’t fear — focus on finding a balanced solution. The best solution may involve risks, but they should always be calculated.

If your problem persists, it’s because you allow it. The same goes for poverty — it continues because you let it.



Ogunranti Adebayo Moses

I’m Moses. And I admire people and communities. Aside from the everyday startup development, writing is how I help more people.